Thursday, 12 April 2018

Kerberos: Creating Keytab file

In this post, I'll discuss about the basics of keytab file and the procedure to create a keytab file:

1) Keytab is a file that contains kerberos principal and encrypted key
2) You can authenticate to kerberos using keytab
3) If you changed your kerberose password then you need to create a new keytab file
4) Keytab file is used in scripts to automate kerberos authentication or by some service accounts

We can create keytab file using 2 ways:
Using ktutil command
From kadmin console

Note: Before reading further, please go through the below post and get a basic idea on MIT kerberos. 

Scenario 1: Creating the keytab file using kadmin from the KDC server. The steps are highlighted in the below snapshot:

1) Create a principle as manoj@HADOOP.COM from kadmin.local.

2) The name of the keytab created is manoj.keytab for the principle manoj@HADOOP.COM using ktadd command. This can be created as below:

Note:  norandkey is used so that the password for the principle manoj@HADOOP.COM is not changed.

3) logout of the kadmin shell and using the below command we can initialize the principle without password

kinit -kt manoj.keytab manoj@HADOOP.COM

whereas directly using kinit to the principle name will show password prompt:

Scenario 2:Using ktutil from the client machine create the keytab for the principle manoj@HADOOP.COM here we need to mention the encryption type as mentioned in the /etc/krb5.conf.

The encryption types used here as below:


Use "wkt" command to write the keytab to the desired location, here I've written to the location /tmp/manoj.keytab.

Now, you will be able to see the details of manoj.keytab as below and you can kinit using the keytab without password.

Scenario 3:   Creating keytab using ktadd but not using the option "norand" key. This will overwrite the password of the user principle manoj@HADOOP.COM. This should never be used in production environment as this will replace the exiting password to a new random encrypted password.


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