Thursday, 19 April 2018

Hbase Replication Implementation


This post explains the procedure to implement hbase replication between two clusters.


Source cluster server hadoop215 ( HADOOP-INT) and destination cluster server hadoop220  (HADOOP-ANA). ( SSL disabled cluster to SSL enabled cluster).


Step 1:  Created the peers in below format in the source cluster server hadoop215 ( HADOOP-INT).

add_peer 'ID', 'CLUSTER_KEY'  



Note: The value for “zookeeper.znode.parent” can be obtained from "/etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml" property. For unsecured cluster this value is “/hbase” and for secured cluster this value is “/hbase-unsecure”.


To create a peer with peer id ‘2’ and to list the peers.

From the hbase shell run the following command as below:

hbase(main)> add_peer '2', 'hadoop216,hadoop217,hadoop218:2181:/hbase'

hbase(main)> list_peers

Step 2: Create a test table ‘reptable4’ with REPLICATION_SCOPE => ‘1’ in source cluster 

Step 3: Enable replication for table ‘reptable4’ in source cluster :

Useful commands related to hbase replication:

  • ·         To list the peers:

  • ·         To create a column family with replication scope 1
>create 'reptable4', { NAME => 'cf1', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}

  • ·         To describe a table
>describe 'reptable4'

  • ·         To enable replication for a table:
>enable_table_replication 'reptable4’

  • ·         To insert a row and value to a column
>put 'reptable4', 'row1', 'cf1:v2', 'bar'

  • ·         To see the detailed schema for a table:
>scan 'reptable4'

  • ·         To disable replication for a table:

>disable_table_replication 'reptable4’

  • ·         To list replicated tables:

Reference link:

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