Sunday, 2 August 2015

REDHAT 7: Network Teaming

Network Teaming is same as network bonding in previous Redhat versions. But, teaming has got certain advantages as compared to bonding.

In this post, I will explain how to configure networking teaming, in case of Redhat 7.


In my server, I have interfaces 3 interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth2.

eth0 is already configured with an IP address.

I need to team eth1 and eth2.


STEP 1:  Install "teamd" packages if not installed.

yum install -y teamd

STEP 2:  As of now, eth0 is the only connected interface.

Configure a team with "con-name" as  "team0", and team0 as its interface name. The mode, I chose is "active backup"

STEP 3: Add IP address "" with netmask 23.

Now, the connection list will show "team0" also.

Both step 2 and 3, is summarized in below snapshot.

STEP 4: Now, add eth1 and eth2 interfaces, as team0-port1 and team0-port2 respectively.

The type is "team-slave" and master is "team0"

Summarized in snapshot below:

STEP 5: If you see the status of "team0", then we can see eth1 is active.  This is because we have configured "active backup" mode, and if eth1 fails eth2 gets activated.

STEP 6:  The nmcli, will now show eth1, eth2 and team0.

CASE 1: If we, disable eth1, then eth2 gets activated. This confirms that, the configuration works as active backup.


To disable the interface "team0" first delete "team0-port1" and "team0-port2", later team0.

More details regarding the advantages of teaming over bonding is explained in Redhat's blog:


Kool :)

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