Friday, 11 April 2014

Zend Optimizer Installation

Zend Optimizer:

The Zend Optimizer is a free runtime application that enables PHP to run the files encoded by the Zend Guard. This can be freely used by anyone looking to run encoded applications.

For latest versions of PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 use the following link:

For 5.2 and previous versions use the link below:

[root@manoj ~]# cd /usr/src

[root@manoj:/usr/src]# tar zxvf ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-linux-glibc23-i386.tar.gz.gz

[root@smanoj ~]# cd ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-linux-glibc23-i386/data/5_0_x_comp/
[root@manoj 5_0_x_comp]# mkdir /usr/local/lib/Zend
[root@manoj 5_0_x_comp]# mv /usr/local/lib/Zend/

vi /usr/loca/lib/php.ini.

Enter the following line as below:
zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/ zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15

Restart apache:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

The extension should now be visible in the output of the phpinfo(); PHP function.

Kool :)


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